Welcome to the Growing Field.

Our mission is to create the next “Greatest Generation” by introducing youth to life-changing leadership philosophy.

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Growing Field Books

Introduced in 2005, Growing Field Books is an award winning children’s philosophy series and has become the definitive voice in youth motivation. The first to teach youth timeless leadership principles (individuality, dreams, goals, self-esteem, confidence, commitment, work ethic, responsibility, determination, attitude, passion, perseverance & compassion) the Growing Field series will help your child develop ideas, beliefs and behaviors necessary for living their best life.

Explore the Growing Field with your child and listen closely as Nightingale whispers the life-changing leadership principles of past presidents, philanthropic and motivational pioneers, and timeless wisdom from literary greats such as Emerson, Thoreau and more! Invite your child on an adventure today and plant leadership seeds that will grow for a lifetime. Welcome to the Growing Field. Let your journey begin!


Photo of Mark HoogThank you for visiting the Growing Field today. My name is Mark Hoog…the author of the Growing Field book series and the President of Growing Field International. I am also an international speaker, the Executive Director of the Children’s Leadership Institute (non-profit), an airline Captain and, most importantly, a husband and father.

I have spent my life reading motivational and inspirational literature including Thoreau, Emerson, Tony Robbins, Earl Nightingale, Vince Lombardi and more. The Growing Field journey began when my friend and mentor Captain Jason Dahl (United Flight 93) crashed in a Pennsylvania field on the morning of 9/11. In the years following September 11th, for reasons I still don’t understand, the motivational messages of my favorite authors were manifested in simple children’s bed time stories. In viewing (and reflecting on) the events of 9/11, I wondered, “How do I Grow from this event?” “What lessons do I take from a burnt Field in Pennsylvania?” The Growing Field was born.

The series was released and began to capture national attention from President Clinton, Secretary of Education Richard Riley, leadership guru (and my favorite author) Tony Robbins. Elementary schools began inviting me to speak, then Jr. & Sr. High Schools, colleges, then organizations and corporations. With every audience my message is simple…Make your Conscious Leadership decisions necessary for impacting the world and living your best life.

My goal for Growing Field International is to provide life-changing motivational and personal growth products that help parents/teachers begin an inspirational dialogue of personal growth and leadership with youth. The self-help industry is a $15 billion a year industry focused on ages 35-45. This industry has sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and students literally dying for the same message of hope, direction, ability, capability and possibility. The time has come to help our youth recognize their unique gifts and talents, to help them understand how to dream, and the tenets required to pursue and achieve their greatest life goals. Through our books, journals, greeting cards, and posters, these are the answers I hope you find in the Growing Field.

I hope you enjoy your time in the Growing Field. More importantly, I hope the youth in your life always know that life is without limit. Thanks again for stopping by and being a Growing Field Gardener.

May personal growth and leadership be your journey!


Mark Hoog Signature