From Our Fans


Letter from student 01
Letter from student 02
Letter from student 03
Letter from student 04
Letter from student 05

Dear Mark Hoog,

I am one of many people to hear your speech on finding yourself and fulfilling your place in this world. I heard your speech at Eagle View Middle School as a 7th grade student. You said that only about 2 people would hear what you really had to say and I think I might be one of them. The part that stood out most to me was your quote:

“There are two days in everyone’s life, the day they were born and the day they figure out why.”

Ever since I heard those words I have been trying to find my meaning. The only problem is that I don’t know where to look. I play club volleyball and think I am a pretty good volleyball player. I always try to think that maybe my meaning is to play volleyball; it is what I love to do. I then thought about your friend who played football all throughout his years, but then got injured and never played again. What if that happens to me? What if what I have been working for all these years is gone just that fast? How do I find out who I really am, what I am suppose to do in this world? How to make that impact or difference everywhere I go? I don’t know where to look, or how to tell. How did you find out what your life meaning is? Will you please email me back? I want to find my life’s meaning, you opened my eyes to the possibilities, now can you help me again, to find my way to those possibilities.

7th grader
Eagle View Middle School


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to talk to us. It was a great presentation and it meant a great deal to me. Being a division 1 student athlete is not easy, but I have made great strides in becoming a successful person on and off the field. As the team captain for my football team, I just know that my teammates would benefit just as much as I did from your presentation. Today, before practice I will talk to Coach Mac and give him your number.(if that is okay) I would love to sit down with you one day and have coffee, I have a strong entrepreneur spirit and great work ethic. Once again your genuine attitude and vibe is rare amongst speakers. So it is only fitting that I thank you and try to take advantage of your knowledge. Appreciate your time with us, it is definitely worth 20,000 dollars and hour!

Highest Gratitude,

Christian Nwoke
Colorado State University

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Thank you so much for your generosity.  The children of Paloma Elementary were truly blessed to be able to spend a day with you.  The staff has not stopped talking about how you touched lives of some children who have never been told they could do great things.  We would love to have you back!



I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for a day I will never forget.  I was moved, inspired and motivated to keep following my passion…to keep fighting to make all of our children’s elementary experience the best it can be!  I saw transformation in children which is really nothing you can describe in words.  I saw children that have never been told they have anything to give…blossom.  It was a wonderful night….I cannot thank you enough!


Thank you so much for the inspirational talk you delivered.  It was so meaningful for our staff.  Thank you for such an amazing day. 


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Books are sort of a religion in our house, so we try to take our children to meet authors at book-signings or library events. However, there has been no match to their exuberance in coming home from your presentation at Sierra today. Words fail me, except for - thank you.

Aerin Bender-Stone
Arvada, CO

Hello Mark,

Thank YOU for your totally engaging presentations and the message that you shared. You certainly made an impact on kids, and parents! I had parents coming into the library the next day with gratitude for you and your words. Any opportunity that we have to send people your way - WE WILL!

With gratitude for YOU!
Mary Ellen :)

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Hi Mark,

Thanks so much for your participation on Monday! We surveyed the conference attendees about all of the presentations and I wanted to share the feedback about your presentation. On a scale of 1-3, where 3 is "above average" your rating avg. was: 2.9

The comments included the following:
Excellent! One of the best I've ever seen
Invigorating and fun

Amazing! Very moving presentation, I am glad we are able to purchase some books

Very inspiring
WOW! Loved this speech

Great conversation about what is truly important
I needed to hear that today. Amazing!

Tim F.
Policy Director

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